
Ondersteunde projecten

Repository Omschrijving Watchers Saldo
techcoincommunity/techcoin 3 0.00289005 Ƀ Steun project
zootreeves/blockchain.info 108 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
jl777/libjl777 17 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
OpalCoin/OpalCoin 6 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
jl777/SuperNET_API 2 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
SoniEx2/ZeroPoll 1 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
dmcclccam/Twine 0 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets 1248 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
cdnjs/cdnjs CDN assets - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. 10174 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
nexe/nexe create a single executable out of your node.js apps 12747 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
Leaflet/Leaflet JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 40164 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
makevoid/paperbank Bitcoin Paper Key generator - using a thermal USB printer and a basic linux box (like a Rrasp. PI) - Paper Wallet Generator 37 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
llazzaro/analyzer :chart: Python framework for real-time financial and backtesting trading strategies 206 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
namecoin/ncdns :globe_with_meridians: Namecoin to DNS bridge daemon 135 0.02251558 Ƀ Steun project
BinaryMuse/fluxxor :hammer_and_wrench: Flux architecture tools for React 1693 0.04550252 Ƀ Steun project
primus/primus :zap: Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in. 4461 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
gentoo/gentoo-rust [MIRROR] Rust packages 81 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
Someguy123/-Coin +Coin is a web interface in PHP for Bitcoin based daemons released under the public domain (UNLICENSE) 37 0.00912566 Ƀ Steun project
kaminari/kaminari ⚡ A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps 8518 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
webtorrent/webtorrent ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web 29070 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
llazzaro/django-scheduler A calendaring app for Django. 1263 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
sferik/t-ruby A command-line power tool for Twitter. 5428 0.07444951 Ƀ Steun project
makevoid/donacoin A cryptocoin mining based donation system - Let the protocol generate donations - Proof of concept - the application is not "production ready" - we suggest you to fork it / host it / manage it [PROJECT_STATUS: good alpha version, try it! (change mining account, upgrade the miner program maybe choose a good gpu-coin-pool like scrypt, x11 or others)] 1 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
mailpile/Mailpile A free & open modern, fast email client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features 8777 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
bitpay/bitcore A full stack for bitcoin and blockchain-based applications 4774 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
hstove/rbtc_arbitrage A gem for automating arbitrage between Bitcoin exchanges. 274 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
secret-bitcoin-login/indigent-android-bitcoin A guide to setting up a stock android device as a mobile bitcoin appliance for people with few resources. The initial target is to provide a smooth process for panhandlers to receive bitcoin tips. 4 0.08854076 Ƀ Steun project
bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. 5558 0.00977599 Ƀ Steun project
bitcoinj/bitcoinj A library for working with Bitcoin 4931 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project
cuberite/cuberite A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft 4883 0.00000000 Ƀ Steun project